May 14, 2008
Day before court
Today we prepared for our court date with the judge on Thursday at 11:15AM. Our lawyer, Svetlana, representing us in the adoption process flew into Petropavlovsk today. She had one of those travel days that resulted in her flight being delayed for 5 hours.
Mariya and Svetlana met with the government officials to make sure everything is in order. They also went and talked with Alyona to make sure she was clearly informed about her decision and what would happen in court tomorrow.
Mariya and Svetlana then told us about their conversation with Alyona and briefed us on the court procedures. Alyona is still deciding to stay in Kazakhstan and wants us to adopt Kristina and Victor. Tomorrow we will see how this all plays out in court and if we get permission to adopt Victor and Kristina. We already lost Alyona and will be nervously awaiting the court date. Hopefully all goes well tomorrow.
We spent the rest of the day walking to the mall for lunch, stocking up on some grocery items to make it through our last few days, preparing the photo album for court tomorrow and making sure we have all the gifts ready that we need for tomorrow.
We found out that another American couple flew in town today to start their adoption process in Petropavlovsk. We hope to meet them, time permitting as we are scheduled to fly to Almaty on Sunday afternoon.
The time has flown by very quickly and we can’t believe it is almost time to fly home. We can’t wait to see Alex and Ben and the rest of our family and friends but we will be counting down the days until we see Victor and Kristina again. We wish it were all three children but it appears that is not the way it is meant to be. We have met so many kind, generous and wonderful people on our trip. The care givers in the orphanage are very special people and care so much for these children. It has helped prepare them to become part of a permanent family and has set a strong foundation for them. And, of course, what can we say about Mariya and Sasha. They have become friends that we will always hold dear to our heart. We can not imagine this without them. We never worried about anything, they did that for us. Our only concern was to have fun with Victor, Kristina and Alyona. They made sure every t was crossed and every i was dotted. We will enjoy spending every last moment we have with Alyona, Victor, Kristina, Mariya, Sasha and Svetlana.
Keep your fingers crossed and let’s hope we are successful in court tomorrow.
We did not get any new pictures today so we will post a few of our favorites.