May 1, 2008
National Friendship Holiday
On May 1 Kazakhstan celebrates National Friendship Holiday. They celebrate the diversity of the many different nationalities that live in this large country of 16 million people. Most everything is closed and there are celebrations and festivities on the main street of Petropavlovsk.
This morning we had a call scheduled for Alex and Ben to call us at 7AM our time or 9PM Orlando time. It was great to talk to them and get caught up on everything going on in their busy lives. School and sports seem to going fine and they have not had too many fights with each other (at least that they would tell us about). That is a good thing for granny. This was a great start to our day. They seem to be doing very well.
At 9AM we were picked up by Mariya and Sasha. We went to get Alyona at the regional boarding school and she was there waiting for us and gave us both a big hug and kiss and glorious smile. Alyona chatted the whole time with Mariya interpreting during the 45 minute drive to the orphanage to see Victor and Kristina. We can’t understand a word she says but she is so cute and animated she is fun to watch. Most of the conversation was centered around her wanting to see her aunt. She wants her aunt to meet us but says she is too shy to come to Petro to see us. She lives in a village about 45 minutes away from Petro. Alyona is very passionate about seeing her and really wants her aunt to see us. The managers at the boarding school would have to give her permission to take the train or bus to go visit the aunt. She says it is easy for them to say “no” but they have allowed her to go a few times before. I would probably say no also as I do not know how safe it is for a 16 girl traveling by herself to another village. I still have a worry that she will change her mind. Until everything is official in court and these angels land in Orlando I will have this fear.
We arrived at the orphanage and Kristina and Victor came into the play room with their big beautiful smiles and gave us all hugs and kisses. They had to try on the new clothes we bought to see if they fit. As stated in an earlier day they leave the orphanage with nothing so we need the get them about a weeks worth of clothes to get them through the trip to Almaty for visas and then about 20+ hours of flight time to Orlando.
All the clothes fit and they looked cute as can be. Alyona was telling us that she and Kristina both had long hair down to the lower part of their back but had to cut it at the orphanage and boarding school. Alyona is still not happy about that. After trying on clothes and playing for a couple of hours the children were called to go to lunch. This meant it was time for us to leave.
On the way back we told Alyona about our schools and how they are setup with class sizes and courses. She had lots of questions. She also asked how our relationship was with Alex and Ben and wanted to know if she could talk to us about anything. Mariya asked her about seeing the photos of our house and that see seemed not to have a reaction. She said the house is very nice but she is more concerned with the relationships. She is a very smart young lady and very strong willed we soon learned.
When we got back to the boarding school Alyona and Mariya went to see if Alyona could go visit her aunt today and come back tomorrow. The director was not there and the assistant director said no. This is not the answer she wanted or accepted.
She hotly contested the decision and we tried to calm her down. She hugged and kissed us and we said we would see her tomorrow and be patient. We were concerned, as was Mariya, that Alyona has such strong will and character that she might go without permission. Thankfully she did not but called the director and got permission to go.

We were invited to have lunch at Mariya’s house with her mother, sister and father (Sasha). They are all so sweet. Mariya’s older sister Anna(18 mths) is just as beautiful and sweet as Mariya. Their mother made us a fabulous lunch and we toasted with some of Sasha’s home brew. They showed us a video of a dance they did at the university. They choreographed and performed the dance. Mariya studied music for 8 years and Anna is a piano teacher. The video was incredible. They are more talented than we could imagine. Anna played the piano for us and Mariya accompanied on guitar. We are so lucky that this family has adopted us during our stay in Petro. They were the most gracious hosts and we enjoyed the company thoroughly.

After lunch Mariya and Sasha dropped us off and went to see what Alyona was up to. She e-mailed us later that they took her to the bus station and made her promise to be good and call Mariya when she gets to her aunts house. Mariya told her to be back in Petro after lunch tomorrow. Alyona told Mariya she was not going to change her mind and she was coming to America with us.
After a fabulous lunch and some of Sasha’s home brew Julie and I went back to the apartment for a long nap. Julie is trying to fight off a cold. The Floridians are not used to snow let alone snow in May.
Tomorrow should be another adventure and can’t wait to see what happened on Alyona’s trip to see her aunt. We still need to buy clothes for Alyona.